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10,000 Hit Painting Celebration!

Hey guys!
Bruce here with an update about a little celebration we had after hitting 10,000 blog views.
We all decided to take a new model (from any game system) that we liked and paint it up in just 4 weeks.

Lets have a look as see what we got:

Bruce - Pirate Queen (Reaper Bones Minis)




"The day after we decided to do this painting challenge, a handfull of us went to the NEC Gamesday Convention and spent waaay too much money on Poke'mon cards and collectables. As we are in the throws of a new D&D Campaign, I decided to pick up some Reaper Bones minis, and this was my favourite of the bunch. I'm incorporating her into our current campaign, "Lilly the Skull, swashbuckler, rum drinker and noted ner' do well!". I've never painted a Reaper model before, and the strange rubbery plastic they use felt very different to my usual metal or resin paint projects. I'm very happy with her though, there's something very satisfying about painting bright colourful minis, so a Pirate queen was a great excuse to break out the vibrant greens and blues that never get used in my normal Grim-Dark projects."


Sam - Magneto (Knights Models)


 "I have chosen to paint up Magneto from Knights Models for my challenge model. I have eagerly awaited getting this model as he is one of my favourite characters from the series and was delighted when they released rules for him. Painting him was not too challenging, most of my effort went into the cape and blending the purple (a colour I do not usually work with) i also kept with my theme of not inking my marvel Miniatures (a small challenge I set myself as I had become too comfortable with inks recently) he is rather imposing floating above his base and I look forward to using him in some games alongside the rest of my X-men."

Martin - Karandras (Games Workshop)


Comments: Awhile back, Sam challenged me to a HQ off. Having bought all the phoenix lords to make a complete set of Eldar HQ's I just needed to get them all painted so what better a reason to pick my favourite looking of all the phoenix lords. I was extremely happy with how it came out and found painting him to be so much fun. 


Damien - Thanos (Knights Models)


Comments: "Hey folks Damien here. Thought I'd have a go at Knights Model's Thanos for my project. Lots of fun to paint and a good practice as yellow is always a tricky one to pull off."

Paul - Crimson Raptors Captain (Games Workshop)



 "I bought this model from Gamesday about 5 years ago, intending to use it as a Chapter Master for my home-brew Crimson Raptors chapter. Sadly the project never happened because some pesky Orks invaded my painting table ..."

Jamie #1 - Gambit {Death, Horseman of Apocalypse} (Knights Models)


Comments: "This model was good fun to paint, I got the idea to paint Gambit as Apocalypse's vassal 'Death' as I will be using him along side my Brotherhood of Evil Mutants. I don't do much painting, so it took me quite some time to achieve a standard I was happy with. I can't wait to use him on the tabletop with his soon-to-be painted Evil Mutant buddies."

Jack - Soldiers (Bolt Action)


Comments:"Kelly and Big Joe reporting for duty! I really enjoyed painting these miniatures from Kelly's heroes to go with my bolt action force. These are the first models I have painted for bolt action and I am very pleased with how they have turned out!"

Jamie #2 -


Comments: "I had been so afraid of tackling this model mainly because I wanted to do Horus in white armour instead of the black.  The detail on this model is fantastic and I think is one of the best Primarch models to date. "

Matt -


Comments: Matt paint lot space marine. This not space marine. This knight. Matt like paint knight. Is horse with wings"

Charles - Genestealer Patriarch (Games Workshop)


Comments: "I chose to paint my Genestealer Patriarch from the Deatwatch Overkill box set. I love this model for all the beautiful detail, which GW are doing a really good job with at the moment. I chose to use a red paint scheme for the carapace to match my Tyranid army plus the usual bone flesh. I have used him in a tournament recently and he does not disappoint with his psychic and combat skills. He is basically a steroid pumped Broodlord. I'm hoping GW does a separate Genestealer Cult codex like they have recently for Deathwatch."


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