What a weekend! Damien, Bruce and Martin enjoying the life-sized Rhino a little too much. First off I want to say that if you ever get the chance to visit Warhammer World in Nottingham, you should absolutely go for it! We had a few issues to start off with, due to some personal issues and work conflicts, a few of us were unable to make it which was a real shame, however Paul, Damien, Martin, Jamie, Matt and myself (Bruce here >_<) all spent the day mooching around the amazing dioramas, eyeballing the awesome merch and best of all playing a huge 12,000 point game on WW's incredible City of Death board "Spyral Prime". Just take a look at that! o_0 FULL ARMY LISTS TO FOLLOW SHORTLY. We used a combination of Maelstrom of War Mission 1 rules mixed with the White Dwarf "Cities of Death" Objective cards to really make the best use of the heavy terrain. We set up with Dawn of War deployment, and the forces of Chaos won the rol...