Hi readers, Sam here talking about a good but of fun me and Damien are having with each others armies. The other week Damien challenged me to write the worst list that I could using one of my armies (chaos marines being the obvious choice here) whilst he does the same thing with one of his (orks). Then we both swap armies and see what happens. I thought this was a great idea and the following game developed. Now this is part one of the game analysis and mini batreps with us doing the complete oposite in a few weeks. Writing the best lists with the same armies and swapping again. I hope you enjoy reading this post and if you would like to see more like this then please let us know. Sam's chaos space marine list Now I wanted to sink as many points into the army as I could. Therefore every unit has mark of slaanesh and veterans of the long war. Hq Abbadon the despoiler Chaos lord Slaanesh Black mace Murder sword Sigil of corruption Aura of dark glory Sp...