Hey all, Bruce here with yet another side project I'm working on. I've recently found myself the proud owner of both the original Super Dungeon Explore board game and the more recent Super Dungeon Explore V2; The Forgotten King. For those of you who have never seen / played Super Dungeon Explore, it plays like a classic dungeon crawler (think Space Crusade or Hero Quest) but with an adorable Chibi-style anime theme. The game started off as a kick-starter project by "Soda Pop Miniatures" and they are working on a kick-starter for a third game to release at the end of the year. I came across this game purely by chance, rummaging around the Firestorm Games Store in Cardiff whilst Sam, Charles, Jamie #2 and I were attending the Vale Renegades' most recent tourney which was hosted there. As I was rooting through all the amazing board games, collectables and miniatures I found a little box with a single mini in it. The "Tabbybrook Mage". The model...