Hey guys! Bruce here with an update about a little celebration we had after hitting 10,000 blog views. We all decided to take a new model (from any game system) that we liked and paint it up in just 4 weeks. Lets have a look as see what we got: Bruce - Pirate Queen (Reaper Bones Minis) Before: After: Comments: "The day after we decided to do this painting challenge, a handfull of us went to the NEC Gamesday Convention and spent waaay too much money on Poke'mon cards and collectables. As we are in the throws of a new D&D Campaign, I decided to pick up some Reaper Bones minis, and this was my favourite of the bunch. I'm incorporating her into our current campaign, "Lilly the Skull, swashbuckler, rum drinker and noted ner' do well!". I've never painted a Reaper model before, and the strange rubbery plastic they use felt very different to my usual metal or resin paint projects. I'm very happy with her though, there's som...