Hi All, Its Martin. Our very own Sam, with the help of Matt and Andy from Worcester Wargames put together an Apocalypse game that saw the mighty Imperial armies battling against every Xeno army going (I played my Eldar on the Xeno's team). To allow this to happen, all Xeno's were made allies of convenience to prevent us turning on each other! From Six Up save other than myself, we had Jamie 1 and 2, Bruce, Sam, Dae, and Matt playing in the event. The tournament was a 1 day main event with a sub mission played the night before. Each team had a 'Warlord', Dae for the Xeno's and SUS's newest member Jamie2 for the Imperium. It was their task to coordinate their respective teams towards their targets and agendas. I would say both did an awesome job at keeping their teams in order and directing troops to where they were needed. Each player had 2000 points to spend on their chosen armies but they could only have 1 LOW / Gargantuan per list and within t...