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Jericho Reach: First Encounters

The galaxy was surrounded by the Hive Fleet however those whom arrived by space travel found that the Fleet parted to allow slender corridors for travel into the Jericho galaxy. However the Tyranids did not so much as stir or attack the space craft.  Each army sent their favoured heroes and their chosen acolytes. On the mining planet of Rheelas the Howling Griffons led by Chaplain Titus within his great Dreadnought armour were the first to engage in battle with the Necrons led by Overlord Naile. However both commanders understood it would do no good to exterminate each other. They both strategically retreated to fight another day. If Khorne was watching he would be greatly angered by the lack of bloodshed. Overlord Naile was able to claim the relic weapon known as Void Reaper and within the mining facility found a Tomb World filled by his Laharl Dynasty brothers.  The Howling Griffons were then ambushed by the Thousand Sons led by the Daemon Prince known in Low Gothi...

Jericho Reach: The Beginning

Jericho Reach. A little known galaxy with just a handful of inhabited planets. Until.... From the east of the galaxy a new tendril of the Tyranids, Hive Fleet Dagon, emerged from the cold inky blackness of space. The Imperium detected this invasion into real space and sent their elite division of Space Marines, the Ordo Xenos of the Deathwatch, to investigate and report back on this new invader. Years passed with no response until suddenly a message was received from the planet Credence. The message simply read 'We can control them.' However this message was not only received by the Imperium, the message was scattered amongst the stars by unknown methods and it was heard... From the Imperium the Dark Angels, the Space Wolves, the Flesh Tearers and the Howling Griffons responded to the message. Even an elite group of the Adeptus Custodes arrived in the system. Even the Chaos Gods sent agents to represent them in real space: the Thousand Sons and Daemons of Nurgle....

Confessions of a Warhammer Wife

Confessions of a Warhammer Wife Bruce’s obsession with Warhammer was only revealed to me during our second year of dating. We had been together a long time by then – had even lived together for the majority of that time while at University. And still I didn’t know about this one aspect of Bruce’s nerd-dom. When Bruce and I first began dating I was fully aware of – even besotted by - his nerdy credentials. Together we had played hours of Halo 3 and Mario Kart, swapped manga and even visited the cinema for a solo late night screening of Star Trek. Yet this did not prepare me for what would become one of his main loves in life. It all started back in 2012. We had been living separately back at our parents’ homes after University – me in Yorkshire, he in Worcester. I would often travel down to visit him and on one such occasion I was told of a new friend Bruce had made through work. Damien. They had apparently bonded when Bruce had taken on old model – a Tyranid Warrior I beli...

Echoes of War

Hello everyone, Sam here with a write up on another awesome weekend of dice and fun in Cardiff. Our hosts for the weekend, the Vale Renegades  are a group that we met over a year ago at a tournament in Bristol and since then have attended several of each other’s tournaments. Echoes of War was an ITC event with 34 competitors at the fantastic venue of Firestorm Games. This post is going to have a brief overview of the day as well as a few pictures and synopsis of all 5 games that I had over the weekend. So Sam, Bruce, Chris, Jamie and Jack were joined by Jack’s brother Scott (making them the Brothers Grimdark), Tom Baker from Code40K and Battered Bristles ( ) ( ) and Ian, made the 2 hour or so drive down to Cardiff for a weekend of games. A few of us had been to their last tournament Seeds of Destruction last September and were very excited about returning. Prior to the event, the Vale Renegades shared...

Games Workshop's Live Q&A; Thoughts On 8th Edition.

Hey guys, it's Bruce here with our first blog update in a long old while. If you are reading this blog, chances are you know a thing or two about tabletop games, so you probably know that GW just officially confirmed what we all knew was coming: a new edition of Warhammer 40k! I sat down this afternoon and watched GW's amazing live Q&A session and I've made notes on all the big changes they have confirmed will come with the new edition. Lets take a look: Big image behind the two hosts (Pete Foley, heading the team behind 8th ed and Andy Smilie, the head of the community team) is a large space marine helmet, blue on one side and green on the other. Probably hinting at the Ultramarine / Deathguard starter set ? Andy repeatedly mentions that a huge amount of the rules have been created using feedback from the Facebook page and online forums like Bolter and Chainsword / Dakkadakka etc.   Movement is changing. No longer blanket ruling different types of...

Six Up Starts SIGMAR! (Possible NSFW image?)

**Pre-blog post warning - This should have been published around Septeber last year, but it doesnt look as though it was ever posted. I make several references to Christmas throughout this post so if you're thinking "tthis was posted in April, why is Bruce banging on about Christmas!?" you'll know why. ;). Anyway, back to the blog post... My first dalliance into AOS came in the form of and old box of Fantasy Wood Elves. My fiancĂ©e, Rachael, loves to paint but can never find (and I quote) "Pretty girls with beautiful hair". I was mooching through Andy's old stock at Worcester Wargames and I picked up a box of Elves called "Sisters of the Thorn", featuring some very cutsey looking elven ladies riding on deer. The Sisters of the Thorn.  I bought them knowing Rachael would be exited to paint them, so I assembled them in the shop. Andy noticed I'd got some fantasy models and asked if I wanted a game of Sigmar.       Now, I...

Skirmish 2 -The Results

Hi there all, the weekend saw Six Ups Skirmish 2 a competitive tournament of Warhammer 40k. Sam as usual had planned a challenging but fun day complete with Secret Objective cards. Many dice were rolled as some mighty armies and a few cheese boards competed for victory.  So here are the victors 1st 2nd and 3rd, best painted army and model as well as best sport and the much sort after wooden spoon.  First up we have Chris Collins who took home our wooden spoon ensuring this mighty trophy was his Chris made an extra tactical decision in his last game to make sure he failed his secret mission listing him tournament points what a legend  Next we have the painting competition this was judged in two ways. First up Best Painted Army was voted for by the players themselves.  There were some fantastic armies on display but the winner was Tom Baker and his Imperial Knights.  For the single model category the judging was done by Six Ups Sam and Worcester Wargames own Andy ...