Hey guys, it's Bruce here with our first blog update in a long old while. If you are reading this blog, chances are you know a thing or two about tabletop games, so you probably know that GW just officially confirmed what we all knew was coming: a new edition of Warhammer 40k! I sat down this afternoon and watched GW's amazing live Q&A session and I've made notes on all the big changes they have confirmed will come with the new edition. Lets take a look: Big image behind the two hosts (Pete Foley, heading the team behind 8th ed and Andy Smilie, the head of the community team) is a large space marine helmet, blue on one side and green on the other. Probably hinting at the Ultramarine / Deathguard starter set ? Andy repeatedly mentions that a huge amount of the rules have been created using feedback from the Facebook page and online forums like Bolter and Chainsword / Dakkadakka etc. Movement is changing. No longer blanket ruling different types of...