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Skirmish 2 -The Results

Hi there all, the weekend saw Six Ups Skirmish 2 a competitive tournament of Warhammer 40k. Sam as usual had planned a challenging but fun day complete with Secret Objective cards. Many dice were rolled as some mighty armies and a few cheese boards competed for victory. 

So here are the victors 1st 2nd and 3rd, best painted army and model as well as best sport and the much sort after wooden spoon. 

First up we have Chris Collins who took home our wooden spoon ensuring this mighty trophy was his Chris made an extra tactical decision in his last game to make sure he failed his secret mission listing him tournament points what a legend 

Next we have the painting competition this was judged in two ways. First up Best Painted Army was voted for by the players themselves.  There were some fantastic armies on display but the winner was Tom Baker and his Imperial Knights. 

For the single model category the judging was done by Six Ups Sam and Worcester Wargames own Andy again some hard decisions to be made here but it was Six Ups own Paul Spoons Bedford 

Then we have Best Sport such a close competition emerging triumphant was Vale Renegades Gareth with his Iron Hands. Gareth's open offer to anyone who can kill his chapter master will earn themselves a beer next time Gareth next time. 


Finally we come to the top 3. Some really great opponents bringing done great lists and the result wasn't clear until the finial game. 

3rd Place - Simon Hewlett with his Sisters of Battle

2nd Place - Six Ups Jamie #2 with his Eldar Cheese on Toast Host. 

And 1st place - Andrew Lewis from Vale Renegades with his Raven Guard 

A big well done to all who took part, see you at the table for the next one

Jamie #2


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